Hi, this is the beginning of a series of answers to frequently asked questions I received during my 15 years of experience in developing Architectural Design and Implementation and Control Works.
As a first question as follows:
Why should I hire an architect?
If you've been asked that question may thought to build, remodel, expand, etc. means also that it can be an adventure to meet with the appropriate professional and I have told family and friends
"Hire a master mason and see magazines, from there take what you like and what construtyes"
NO I can usually disqualify this proposal, if what you want is to live a chamber that can be "Nice" or it may be absurd, but if you have a basic analysis of location, size, height, ventilation, lighting, etc. be simply uninhabitable. How many times have you heard people say "I to sell my house because it was very cold and my family was sick all the time "or" I'm big and I get very tired going up and down stairs in this house that is uneven. "This is the result of a bad location analysis , terrain and needs.
may be that if you take the recommendation of a Master Mason Contaratos and he was the "design" can meet your expectations, (indeed it may even hit the master builder) because Teachers are alabaƱiles that experiences have taught and are very good to make these basic analysis I mentioned earlier.
The plans are the tool to translate this analysis, it baffles me why you have magazines that sell plans for any terrain and guidance on, the families do not have the same needs and therefore can not be solved in the same way , is an oxymoron that is the subdivisions with homes in series, because it solves the basic need of living, but it solves a cave.
"Architecture is not four walls and a roof
This statement I read in a textbook at the University and contains a great truth. Likewise, the basic analysis of which party should include architectural design and group savings necessary facilities the best way.
By this I mean that tell an architect is not necessarily more expensive, because if it is sufficiently skilled professional will give your client the best proposal and will save you money with which to pay their fees and leftovers.
Well, I am at your disposal and we read the following answers to common questions.
Rufino architect Enrique Fierro.
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