Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Danactive How Many Drink A Day

Draft by peugeot

I only have one word for this: Radical, the model is completely different to that seen before me personally and I like his role and you know, form follows function, see happens, then the smart think this is what is the price? but it is still conceptual model is certainly interesting.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Remove Shower Door Magnet

"Science Centre"

Presentation of the draft "Science Centre", which was reason for my degree in architecture, it is noted that Last time I went to the site, was in civil engineering, I could go back and have lost contact with the client, however the last I heard was that he stopped the work. The work involved in preparing the draft, a model, the executive project and budget for the first stage (the planetarium), the project proceeded in three stages, in three installments. This was an ambitious project of my dear friend Mr. Child, which would be in San Francisco de Conchos, in the state of Chihuahua.

Science Center
View more from charls666 .

How To Get My Doctor To Play With My Penis

Draft "Ecological Park Metropolitan tercentenary"

fairly detailed
Park Draft tercentenary "Ecological Park Metropolitan tercentenary, developed in collaboration with architectural firm here in Chihuahua, we develop the main idea of \u200b\u200bgiving identity and celebrate the festivals of the three hundred years after the foundation of Chihuahua, coupled with this, the concept of passive low-impact activities and recreation for the public. The project was developed in three phases in three installments, the first being the prey of the spear and the last dam Chihuahua, the largest water body of the city. Submitted for the contest and won, yet not built the project for reasons not yet know what is going on a similar project but in another area bordering the city.

Tercentenary Park
View more from charls666 .

Will Trichomoniasis Go Away

Draft Day Centre "silver age" bioclimatic architecture

Presentation of the draft day center silver age, located in the city of Chihuahua, this draft was developed together with the plans and a model, that to free social service to my degree, and other activities. (Greetings to the team and the School of Social Work "Guadalupe Sanchez Araiza).

Dia Center
View more from charls666 .

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Beginning Stages Chicken Pox

bioclimatic architecture.
The use of solar energy through passive elements is nothing that the recovery of planning and construction in line with the climate. The fundamentals of the construction under the sun simply coincide with the physical laws of radiation, uptake, accumulation and distribution of heat. Historical examples-emerged at a time without an excess supply of technical aids, and show us many times those principles which unfortunately we have forgotten and now we strive to rediscover as the passive use of solar energy.

The Passive Solar Architecture , also known as bioclimatic includes modeling, selection and proper use of passive solar technology , to maintain a home environment at a comfortable temperature through the sun, every day of year. As a result, minimizing the use of active solar technology, renewable energy and especially the fossil fuel technologies.

passive solar architecture is only a small part of the design of energy efficient buildings, which in turn, is another part of sustainable design , although these terms often erroneously used interchangeably.

A bit of history.
What is now called passive solar heating systems were used for the first time in Greece 2500 years ago. Systematic foundation for the Greek cities and residential home was carefully designed according to the cardinal points and designed with the aim of ensuring both summer and winter, optimal microclimate conditions and a comfortable climate inside.
A few centuries later, in Rome, using solar energy for heating villas and bathhouses. The Greeks and Romans were obliged to apply the hot sun as provider to mitigate the energy crisis of his time. The use of wood for fuel has led to deforestation of many regions and that, therefore, serious environmental damage occur.

In 1940, architect George Fred Keck, designed what is now considered the first modern passive solar house ( Sloan House ) in Chicago. Keck had designed a house fully glazed to the Century of Progress exposition and marveled that, on sunny days in winter, the temperature was very pleasant inside, even before you have installed heating. Other solar houses were built also in this decade, but the passive use of solar energy is not found wide acceptance or assessment.

In the last decade, however, the need to seek an alternative to oil and natural gas, has led the national interest about solar heating in many European countries.

Elements of passive solar heating system.
A passive solar heating system is completely determined by five elements. Each serves a separate function, but the five elements must work together and be harmonized so that the system can work.

-collector collectors are large areas of glass (or plastic) through which sunlight enters the building. The collectors should face south (in the northern hemisphere and north in the southern hemisphere), with a maximum deviation of + / - 30 ° of the exact address and during the heating period should not be in the shade other buildings or trees, at least for a time between 9 and 15 hours.

-absorber absorber is the dark surface of the accumulation element. This surface, which can be a facing, the ground or a container of water, is located in the place of incidence of sunlight. Solar radiation reaches the surface and is transformed into heat.

-accumulator accumulator acting as materials or construction materials those items that by its high specific gravity absorb heat that is produced on the absorber due to solar radiation. These materials are called accumulating mass (thermal mass ). The difference between the accumulator and the absorber, which are often together on the same system of construction-absorber is that it can only function as a free surface, illuminated by the sun, while storage mass that acts as a constructive element from the absorber can be heated by thermal conduction.

-Distribution is the method by which solar heat is conducted from the place of recruitment and accumulation at different parts of the house. A purely passive system uses only three natural methods of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation. In some systems, the heat distribution is aided by fans, pipes and compressors (hybrid systems).

In principle, the adjustment is made by heat shock moving parts, it depends on the performance capabilities of the entire system. The moving parts prevent heat shock during the night heat losses by those surfaces of glass through which, day, it produced heat radiation. Other elements that have both a cooling and prevent overheating, for example:
electronic measuring devices, for example, a differential thermostat that connects a fan.
openings adjustable dampers that allow or choking the flow of heat or facilitate ventilation natural.
overhanging eaves or awnings that shade the collector surface during the summer months.
physical configurations.
solar system is called a passive one in which heat energy flow is by natural means, ie using radiation , thermal conduction and convection natural. Passive systems are distinguished from the assets of the lack of mechanical pumps or fans, which are needed to maintain the flow of fluid through heat exchanger forced. Many times the elements of the system have a great relationship with the elements architecture can perform several functions at once. For example, a window facing south, is used to capture heat, while providing exterior views, natural lighting and ventilation (control). The building's walls also serve to both heat accumulation and supportive construction.

direct solar gain.
sunlight entering the space to be heated, is transformed into heat absorbent surfaces and is dispersed to different surfaces and volumes delimiting space. The direct solar gain involves the use of windows, skylights and shutters to control amount of solar radiation reaching the direct inside a house. Use sun screens with high floor combined mass is a simple example of such use.

Traditionally, these direct solar gain systems have not been well considered, especially by the high cost of the crystals were well insulated with R-values \u200b\u200bcomparable to the isolation of the walls. This is radically changing in Europe, where there are windows superaislantes to help implement the standard German passive solar house.

indirect solar gain.
indirect solar gain is obtained through the skin of the building, which has been designed with a thermal mass (such as a water tank or a solid wall covered with glass). The heat accumulated by this mass is transferred into the building indirectly by driving or convection . Examples of this technique are: Trombe wall, water walls, or installing small pond on a roof. The roof garden is also a representative example.

In practice, these systems are often critical of which are difficult to control, besides the high price of insulating glass.
Isolated solar gain

isolated gain passive involves capturing heat from the sun, and later transported within or outside the home using to do a liquid (such as a thermal sensor equipped with thermosyphon ) or air (a solar chimney) or both (a heat store ).

The solariums, greenhouses and solar cabinets are alternatives to achieve an isolated heat gain we can harness the hot air.

passive solar design strategies.
guidance in construction. Taking into account the weather local, you can build a house facing so that it receives as much annual solar radiation, avoiding shadows in winter and protecting it from excess radiation in summer. You can also use techniques based on vegetation cover.

Construction Features. The shape of the building and its surrounding determine the amount of surface exposed to solar radiation, adjusting it to the desired needs. The properties of selected construction materials, serve to regulate the absorption, reflection or transmission of the captured energy. Using
environment. The use of natural elements like trees and plants can be useful to create zones of cooling in summer and a wind shield in winter.

Although not classified into passive solar technologies, the use of thermal insulation materials are widely used for reducing the losses or gains unwanted heat.
The evolution of Passive Solar Architecture
design constructs based on passive solar architecture comes from the ancient times and has been linked to the traditional architecture of many countries. In the developed world, although they have continued to be used in rural communities or by enthusiastic people have been ignored by industry construction until the end of s. XX.
Despite the lack of interest, passive solar technologies were taken up and improved in the last third of the twentieth century coincided with the 1973 oil crisis. The introduction of technology computer aided design and appearance of buildings also helped pioneer.

In the early twenty-first century, the issue has gained renewed interest, mainly due to the already visible consequences of global warming.
levels of use of passive solar design.
Pragmatist: A house could save the order 30% or more in heating costs without modify its appearance, comfort or usability. This can be achieved through proper status of windows, small contributions of thermal mass and good insulation. A south-facing wall can receive the rays of the sun during the day, accumulating heat and loosen it at night. Seasonal

Traditionally, passive solar technology has focused on daily cycles of accumulation / radiation heat to maintain optimum temperature can be maintained for several days even in the absence of sunshine. Recent research has developed techniques to build up the heat in hot or detach months later in cold seasons. These techniques require large amounts of thermal mass usually located in the ground about 7 feet deep and well insulated to prevent heat loss by weather or water. In the cold months to retrieve the heat conducted through plastic pipe by inserting it into the heating housing.

minimum Machinery: A pure passive solar home should not incorporate any mechanical or electrical element to be considered as such. You should only use the energy radiated by the sun and receive only indirectly to the heat produced by elements such as light bulbs, candles, stoves, household appliances, showers, people or animals. The use of natural ventilation mechanisms not involving fans or other devices, are typically included within these techniques, although not considered strictly passive solar design. References

Passive solar building design (Wikipedia)
Building with the sun. Using passive solar energy
A brief history of solar architecture

Retrieved from:

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Is Impatigo Dangerous For A 2-month Old?

The architect is always looking for Atlantis. The architecture is a dream. Capsule hotels

Interview with Italian architect Renzo Piano , where it has your perception of architecture; (source) , if you like your cosulta page.

His studio is a glass box balanced between sea and mountains. Rests on a hillside just above the bay of Punta Nave, about 30 miles west of Genoa. Accessed by a transparent lift which climbs up the door open. The five levels of the fortress of light are a swarm of people gathered around several tables, examining drawings, models gazing or chatting in the corridors with a pen between his lips. Renzo Piano stops, nods, thoughtful touches his beard, smiles. Their study, the Renzo Piano Building Workshop, is one of the most active and industrious in the world. We currently have 27 works in progress: from the Columbia University campus to the Tower Bridge of London, of a monastery of nuns in Ronchamp, France, Gandia, Valencia, where you just start the port city rating. ICO in Madrid Foundation will honor him with a retrospective in late September. At 72 years, born in Genoa in 1937 - seems endless. Jumps from one corner to another planet, divided between the Italian branch of RPBW, the New York and the oldest, opened in 1981 in Paris, where he lives. After controlling the work on site, he notes, come from the scaffolding, talk to workers and neighbors.

QUESTION. You prepare his speeches as a good reporter a piece. On the street.

RESPONSE. Can not be an architect without a perpetual research of reality. Without persistent and humble attitude of asking people and things that live in one place. A building is not an ornament, is something that speaks to its context. We must pay attention to that environment. Nor is it a celebration narcissistic interpret a community, do not be dating yourself. It's a hack, which includes incentives for anything. A constant theft, and very peculiar: a face uncovered and disarmed hand, perpetrated with the honest intention to return the merchandise in the future.

P. How do you get?

R. Mine was a very humble family, my father, a builder, my mother, housewife. But they managed to instill the seed of curiosity. I was forced to read. A diligent reading instinctively makes you curious. And only if you are interested in the world can hear.

P. The trick then is in your childhood?

R. I was not very good school. This has allowed me to grow with the idea that I had to learn from others. Nerds form thinking they are superior, and just being arrogant. I had the opposite feeling.

P. Does the World War affected his childhood?

R. Those who were born in war and grew up in the consequences we are children of a storm. We come into the world through drama, tragedy, fear. When peace came, we started to notice little changes: the streets were less ramshackle, buildings less leaky, more substantial food, the larger family car ... Day after day, life improved. In the end, it hits a sort of inherent optimism. Later came the university, the Polytechnic of Milan. Sharing a flat and ideas lived, worked in the cellar of the architect Franco Albini and evening participated in the occupation of the faculty. Those endless debates! We felt we could change the world.

P. Still thinking?

R. Sure! An architect has to cultivate the absurd idea that reality can be improved. The dream is what drives you.

P. However, building something with their feet firmly planted on the ground ...

R. The architect is two drives. If on one hand idealizes the other is on the ground. Study the light, wind, geology, technology. My work is based on the sheer force of necessity. It is based on truth, which is the closest thing there is stubborn and headstrong. We're all stuck there. But then I am open to any suggestion, because if you get crushed. It's a fun job that makes you an active witness in the world.

P. Enzo Biagi [important Italian journalist] said: "The reporter must be a witness of his time."

R. Heh, heh, I think, however, that an architect is a rare reporter. Is someone who becomes a citizen of the site that relates to his work. It takes years to finish a project and spend time in that place quite extensive, it does not take place on the surface, but deep. To build a city, I linked to it, you identify with it, considering you just own citizens. You are the prototype of antiturista, a person who lives his tenure with lightness.

P. Accomplished be a tourist at times?

R. Yes Behind the wheel of my boat. At sea, the essence of which participate in water sports. Touch the earth and you get to go. You Incidentally, printing Catches mutable browser. As an architect I can not. I force myself to understand the rhythms, rituals, feelings of a neighborhood, community. I'm still what I do. I go into a role. As an actor. Vittorio Gassman liked to repeat that an actor is a liar, however, can say things with great sincerity. The architect is not a liar, but should be able to reproduce what they capture in a city with great loyalty.

The Genoese architect actor has played some of the more symbols of contemporary history. Still young, in 1971, with his partner Richard Rogers, was gliding through the heart of Paris a new type of museum that Beaubourg all glass, open to the city, which broke with the Academy over a hundred Mays 68. He projected the Potsdamer Platz finally unified, just above the wound that had divided the world into two parts. The new headquarters of The New York Times was the first skyscraper built in the Big Apple after 11-S. Last year opened the Modern Wing of the Art Institute of Chicago, a great flying carpet that catalyzes the cultural fervor of a proud city that is discovered after the election of one of its nationals to the White House. The environmentally sustainable California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, with its undulating roof and green, like a hymn to nature, when it is revealed frail man wonders how to stop vulnerable. In the work of interpreting the world, Piano seems to be always in the right place at the right time. When you do notice, breaks into a funny laugh. "I was lucky. The trick is not to take the antennas. You just be a sensor that captures the emotional waves and the needs of a community."

P. What was it that captured in New York? Building at the time was a kind of collective psychotherapy.

R. People needed to trust again. So we opted for an all-glass building with an auditorium for organizing events for citizens and a ground floor which is a continuous flow of people. Transparency will not hides and lets you see the world, provides security and sense of belonging. P.
What about Berlin?

R. Guilt. Need innocence. Desire to forget, inability to take a painful memory. Berliners are as follows: a clean slate. They had crossed it. In 1990, Potsdamer Platz was a desert. That was hard.

P. Had said it would be easier to build into nothingness in an urban context and very dense.

R. It is a common belief that without guidelines, in complete freedom, the creative can express themselves better. To not only create beautiful objects, you need a score, something to hold on. Fantasy is a wonderful thing. As the jam: rich, but not abuse and is even better up a good slice of bread.

P. Sleep and realism, jam and bread. So was born a project?

R. The slow part of the process. You meet with those who commissioned the work, who will use it with your colleagues. You must let the stimuli and the technical talk, flow, rest.

P. Does teamwork help?

R. Sure. Me is people over 30 or 40 years. Our meetings seem to ping-pong matches. Neither we remember who says what, ours is a collective process. Generate so much load then just a hand movement, a wrinkle in a sheet, to be born a sketch.

P. How is your relationship to the finished works?

R. Are your creatures, such as children. Although there have been independent, you keep worrying about them, you wonder how they are. And they're your memory. You get consistency. When you're with a new project always remember a solution adopted in the past, a mistake now to avoid ...

P. Do you re-visit?

R. Sure. For example, once a month I eat in the Beaubourg. The next day the director sent him a note like: "The window on the third floor in need of reform, the pot in the room that is cracked ...". 'll Go through an anxious mother, but this is my job.

P. Speaks of architecture as a profession and not as art.

R. I is reluctant to use that word: art. It is a concept that fades just saying it. As if claimed to be modest. Such self-proclaimed, and cease to be. I can not define an artist. The architect is a builder, a craftsman.

P. But what creates hard, like art.

R. The architecture is hard because the job to the cities. And the cities are long lived, like a good symphony. My friend Luciano Berio said that live music and architecture long time as rivers, mountains or forests.

P. And change reality ...

R. The architect is always looking for Atlantis. The architecture is a dream.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Foundation For A Doublewide

The Capsule Hotel Shinjuku 510 was built two decades ago in Tokyo, Japan. Its plastic cubicles measure about two meters long by 1.5 wide and high. For about 440 euros a month, you can sleep in one of these niches also enjoy clean sheets and common areas of the hotel, including sauna and communal bath. The capsules do not have doors, but a small panel that low. They are equipped with light, television with headphones, racks, blanket and pillow.

long time ago in the ancient Japanese hotel owners encountered a problem that is currently very much on the west, the relationship between land scarcity and price each increasing Room hotel.
To solve this dilemma did not think anything other than go to offer comfortable rooms with private bath and a long list to make available to the users with tight living quarters of just two square meters, are called capsule hotels.
Agglomerations of small "minihabitaciones" mostly aimed at an audience male executive, in which only one may be lying, so if you usually have a built-in television, where no shortage of pornographic channels, air conditioning and alarm.
Most of the public that this service is for business people due to the distance at which leave their homes found them impractical to return home at night. It is also common abode of those who can not return because of the drunkenness that carry over.

A solution at a reasonable price (25 euros a night on average), but even if we consider the prices they can achieve in this country fairly decent hotel rooms. Now, get to see how long till we can see something like the old continent.

Do Nhl Players Have Roommates

Living Nativity 2010 2009 2009 ROMERIA

already have the first video of Living Nativity 2009 thanks to our friend "archenanews."

You can view the following link:

And the second part of the video at the following link: