Por un día? How to get a fixed number for just one day? And for what?
Privacy issues are increasing. Imagine you want to put a notice in a medium (newspaper, TV, Internet) by selling something of value and you want to call your home for potential buyers to ask questions.
The most likely finish in the coming weeks getting calls from insurance companies, telephone vendors, and others who have obtained your number on your notice. That number will be filed in a database that will most likely be sold to another company you need to do telephone sales.
also publish your number, you may find your address if your number is listed in the white pages of your telephone company. Which adds a security problem.
The solution is Craigsnumber .
Craigsnumber offers a transitional fixed telephone number in the U.S. that can be derived from any other U.S. fixed number that you specify. The temporary number expires in an hour in a day or a week. You choose.
Craigsnumber is in beta. For now it's free. I do not think a long time keep it free. That live, but Mr. Craig?